The air purifier has gained popularity nowadays. Air pollution is taking a toll on lives mainly affecting children and old people, people of these people prefer air purifiers. The air purifier helps to clean the air by removing dust, harmful allergens, smoke, and other impurities from the air.

Indoor air pollution is caused by various cleaning products and deodorants. WHO declared that over 4.3 million premature deaths occur due to air pollution. Also, 50% of children’s deaths are due to poor air quality.

A good air purifier not only prevents you from diseases like lung cancer, allergies, asthma, and many more but also increases your life span by around 5 years. In this comprehensive air purifier buying guide, we will help you make an informed decision by providing you with all the information you need to choose the best air purifier for your home.

Looking for the Best Air Purifier? Top 10 Air Purifiers in India

Factors to Consider When Buying an Air Purifier

Large capacity/ Large area coverage

My recommendation is to always choose a purifier that purifies the room size that is actually larger than your room size. As what the company claims is not always true. Testing procedures are different than real-life scenarios.

All air purifiers have an inclusion region (Square feet/meters). The greater part of the producers shows this number dependent on max air changes every hour. For instance, if the air purifier has 4 air changes for each hour and the maker says that the inclusion region is 600 sq. ft. (56 sq.m.), at that point, it implies that this air purifier covers 600 sq. ft. (56 sq.m.) when utilizing fourth fan speed.

When utilizing first, second, or third fan speed inclusion territory diminishes. You ought to recollect that greater fan speed implies that the air purifier will work stronger. A few producers show inclusion dependent on a definite number of fan speeds however then they state that, for instance, room inclusion up to 815 sq. ft. (76 sq.m.) (in light of 2 air changes for every hour).

To know how enormous the inclusion territory is, you need to figure out your room space. The simplest approach to do this is to figure out the area (square meters) of the room or space you intend to utilize the air purifier and contrast that and a unit’s prescribed inclusion territory. This procedure is simple. Simply duplicate the length of your space by the width of the space in feet (meters). The outcome is the inclusion territory.

If you have sensitivities or asthma, we prescribe you go a stage past solely considering the square foot (meter) inclusion region and consider the number of changes in the air every hour, or ACH, a unit will deliver. ACH shows what number of times an air purifier forms the whole volume of air in a focused-on space every hour.

At the end of the day, how often will your air purifier clean all of the air in your room in 60 minutes? The more air changes every hour an air purifier delivers the cleaner your air. Sensitivity and asthma sufferers and those wanting to make the cleanest indoor air conceivable – should search for air purifiers that can perform in any event 4 air changes every hour.

An air purifier works just in the room where it’s set. For instance, if you have it in the room, it won’t wipe out scents in your front room regardless of whether you have entryways opened. You can put an air purifier in each room yet that is not the best way.

If you have to purge the air in all homes consider an entire house air purifier. These air purifiers associate with your HVAC framework to filter the air as you warm, cool, or renew all the spots in your home. Entire house air purifiers generally are increasingly costly, they require proficient establishment but pays-off in the long haul.

They are the most prudent and show the best effect if you have to cleanse the entire home. The best part about entire house air purifiers is that you won’t have to purchase and supplant costly filters. 

Asthmatic patients ought to pick air purifiers having true HEPA filters and ought to maintain a strategic distance from Ozone based purifiers. People having lower invulnerability levels and those on dialysis ought to introduce air purifiers of top quality with a true HEPA filter, pre-filter, and so forth.

Only true HEPA filter technology guarantees 100% disposal of allergens. People living in developing regions must guarantee to have a purifier having a solid pre-filter. The pre-filters ought to be supplanted much of the time.

People living in modern regions should claim a purifier with activated carbon filters to expel the smell noticeable all around. People having pets at home ought to likewise select air purifiers with solid pre-filter to abstain from taking in pet hair.

Power Consumption

Much the same as other home machines, air purifiers require electrical power to work.

Since air filtering gadgets need to run constantly to keep the air clean and refined, you’ll need to consider the measure of power a gadget utilizes before getting it. Most air purifiers use between 5-200 watts of intensity.

It’s ideal to discover a gadget that conveys the Energy Star rating, which guarantees that it utilizes a minimal measure of vitality conceivable and is the least expensive to work.

One of the foremost questions that come to mind when you are looking for an air purifier is how many bills will it generate.  Although, there are many benefits of running air purifiers but obvious you always want to keep power consumption your priority.

One unit in the electricity bill is equal to 1000 watts in an hour. Therefore, one kilowatt per hour would add to your bill when a 1,000-kilowatt device runs for 1 hour. Below is the list of power consumption of the top model:

  • Amaircare 3000 VOC: 84W
  • Field Controls TRIO: 100W
  • Blueair Pro L: 170W
  • IQ Air Health Pro Plus: around 215W
  • Austin Air Healthmate: 135W

Various air purifier companies offer different power ratings but mostly, they stay in the range of home refrigerators or desktop computers. For example, the Austin Air Healthmate purifier uses 135 watts continuously and needs an output of .135KW per hour which comes out to be 3.24 kilowatts per day or 97.2 per month.

The Top 2020, energy-efficient air purifiers in India are Kent Aura 45-Watt Room Air Purifier, Lifelong Breath Healthy 45-Watt Room Air Purifier, MI Air Purifier 2, Atlanta Healthcare Alpha 351 40-Watt Air purifier, Philips AC4025 40-Watt Air Purifiers, and many more.

The Bureau of energy efficiency rating is based on the efficiency and effectiveness of all the components and their optimization involved. BEE ratings are given to various electronic products like Air conditioners, washing machines, computers, Televisions, Refrigerators, etc. but unfortunately, not to air purifiers making it difficult to assess their energy consumption.

Design and Build Material

This area of our air purifier purchasing guide depicts the top things for what to search for in an air purifier.

What you’ll discover when you’re looking at changing air decontaminating machines is that they accompany an assortment of highlight overhauls and alternatives.

A portion of these highlights merit the additional cost and can help influence your choice of which item to get, while others are not as significant as they may at first appear.

The following is a list of the most widely recognized highlights you’ll discover on air cleaners:

1)Pre-filter –This filter catches the biggest particles, (for example, hair, and soil) and expands the life of the other inward filters. Pre-filters are generally launderable and reusable for the life of the item.

2)Digital Controls –These permit more exact settings for air quality control than contrasted with a rotational dial or press button plan.

3)Adjustable Fan Speeds –Air purifiers can have any place between 2-5 fan speed settings, extending from low to high, and any place in the middle. Some even incorporate a turbo speed to accelerate the air cleaning process on request.

4)Filter Replacement Indicators –These lights alert you when it’s a great opportunity to supplant the filters inside a machine when they’ve gotten excessively obstructed with toxins. Keeping a natural air filter is the way to ensure that your machine cleans the air most viably.

5)Programmable Timer –This consequently stops the gadget after a particular time interim, for example, 2, 4, or 8 hours. This component helps spare power and shields the gadget from fleeing from home.

6)Carrying Handle –A handle gives you the choice of effectively moving the machine between rooms absent a lot of issues.

7)Casters –Similar to a conveying handle, casters are a lot of wheels that permit you to roll heavier machines from space to room so you can appreciate the versatility of an air purifier.

8)Antimicrobial Treatment –This covering forestalls the development and spread of microscopic organisms and microorganisms inside filters, which builds the filter’s life expectancy and forestalls the reintroduction of these germs once more into the air.

9)Air Quality Sensors – Some lower quality products only have fan settings and power on and off buttons. Not all purifier has the feature of how good it is operating. These sensors screen the air for explicit toxins and consequently alter the air cleaner to the level it should be to rapidly expel these particles.

Some machines adjust the fan speed automatically, according to bad toxins in the air, to get rid of pollutants easily. This helps in maintaining a hassle-free operation and maintenance.

10)PlasmaWave Technology is another option and more secure technique for air ionization that doesn’t transmit negative particles or produce ozone, however, utilizes water fume to accomplish a similar impact.

11)Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO) –A progressed sifting process that works related to Ultra Violet Light to oxidize chemicals and demolish unpredictable natural mixes, microscopic organisms, shapes, and parasites.

12)Nightlight –helps you to effectively find the air purifier inside a dim room and is advantageous for a room area.

13)Remote Control –This lets you control the machine from a separation.

14)Technology Used – UV filtration and ionized-based filtration is a strict no from my side. You should completely avoid them as they emit ozone and can cause respiratory disease. HEPA is the number choice. It contains activated carbon.

15)Mobile App –This permits you to completely control each part of the air purifier from your cell phone. Some applications likewise incorporate air quality checking information, so you can find continuously how filthy or clean the air is inside your home.

Manufacture Rating

With the pace of air contamination around the globe on the ascent, it’s nothing unexpected that air filtering technology has become a prevailing power in the worldwide market.

There are presently makers everywhere throughout the world that produce air-refining items for the home. Shockingly, not these organizations are making excellent machines.

At the point when you’re purchasing an air purifier, it’s significant for you to consider the notoriety of the producer for the gadget you need to purchase.

There are a lot of organizations out there that make intense cases about their items however are not 100% dependable. The explanation behind this is that not all nations have the equivalent severe item guidelines on air refining machines as you find in the United States and Europe.

In this manner, a maker not situated in both of those territories may offer expressions about the degree of air filtration that their item can deal with, however, hasn’t had it freely tried and checked. Picking a producer that has a decent notoriety and gives top-quality items is fundamental when making an interest in a home air filtering gadget.


Before buying an air purifier, it’s prescribed that you take a gander at the producer’s guarantee. This can help dodge potential issues over the long haul. Discover what parts are secured and for what time allotment, just If they do get flawed. Each air purifier will require changes following 12 to 18 months.

An air purifier is a long-haul venture and isn’t something you need to continue supplanting. You would prefer not to purchase an item that becomes flawed and afterward discovers that the warranty didn’t cover the significant components of the item or that it didn’t keep going for a sensible time frame.


At the point when you’re hoping to purchase an air purifier, you’ll at times run over two regular evaluations in the details list: ACH and CADR.

Not all air cleaners have these evaluations, yet some do, so it’s beneficial for you to realize what they mean and how to look at two items that incorporate these qualities.

ACH Stands for “Air Changes Per Hour”

This is one of the least comprehended appraisals on air purifiers and regularly gets disregarded by buyers. In any case, it’s one of the most informative highlights concerning how productive an air cleaner works.

The ACH rating reveals to you how often the gadget can trade the air inside a stay with spotless, outside air each hour. Regular ACH appraisals you’ll see on a gadget incorporate 4x, 5x, 6x, and so on.

A 4x rating implies that the grimy air around in space is evacuated and reused with clean air four times each hour. The higher the number, the more productive the machine is at filtering the air inside a room.

Understand that this rating is straightforwardly attached to the most extreme area the air purifier can deal with. Simply realize that if an item has a 4x rating and is indicated to cover 300 sq. ft., this implies if you place the machine in a room that is bigger than this it won’t maintain the 4x conversion scale. It will be considerably less productive and the air won’t be as spotless.

CADR Stands for “Clean Air Delivery Rate”

This rating was created by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) as an approach to assist customers with realizing how well an air cleansing gadget can clean the air inside a specific size room.

The objective of the CADR rating is to give you a target standard to analyze the adequacy of a gadget. This rating is particularly significant when you’re looking at at least two air purifiers against one another and attempting to settle on which one to purchase.

In technical terms, CADR indicates the volume of purified air (in cubic meters) that an air purifier produces every hour.

In any case, it’s critical to bring up that not all air cleaning gadgets incorporate a CADR rating on their list of determinations. Just makers that have the AHAM autonomously test and affirm their machine will show the CADR rating.

The significant explanation you need to search for the CADR rating is that it gives you a genuine evaluation of how enormous of a room the air cleaning gadget can deal with. Sadly, the air purifier showcase isn’t as directed far and wide as you would suspect and makers could list a most extreme area rating on their gadget that could be 100% exact.

The CADR rating guarantees that if an item professes to filter a space up to 300 sq. ft., it has been tried and checked to be valid. It likewise discloses to you precisely how well the gadget can dispose of particular kinds of indoor contaminants. The CADR rating estimates three kinds of air contamination:

Dust, Tobacco Smoke, and Pollen.

The estimation for every class can go anyplace between the numbers 10-450 and is shown as a lot of three numbers. For instance, a CADR rating might be 200/220/190 where 200 alludes to tidy, 220 to tobacco smoke, and 190 to dust.

The higher the number, the more compelling the air cleaner is at evacuating that kind of contaminant. At the point when you’re looking at least two air cleaners that have a comparative area rating and incorporate the CADR rating, those three numbers will sign you into which item is the better buy for taking out explicit contaminants.

For asthma patients consider going for 6CAH or higher.

And last but most important, a reasonable cost of ownership.

Types of Air purifier filters

If you’ve done any sort of perusing for an air purifier, you’ve without a doubt seen that there are several unique kinds, styles, and brands available to be purchased.

Although the assortment of decisions can appear to be overpowering, you’ll be glad to find that there are truly only five essential kinds of air filtration technology that these gadgets use.

HEPA filters

This is the most common and essential air purifier filter. Models from 4,000 to 50,000 have this in common. HEPA filter consists of interlaced fibers and takes out particles from the air on multi-levels.

HEPA was actually designed to capture radioactive particles released during atomic bomb creation.

This air-separating process is viewed as the highest quality level for air filtration. It comprises a profoundly thick paper filter that traps airborne contaminants and is the driving instrument behind the top-end machines.

There are a few sorts of filters that utilize the HEPA abbreviation, however just one conveys a real confirmation you can trust. That name is a “True HEPA Filter.” A True HEPA Filter is confirmed to evacuate 99.97% of every single tiny molecule as little as 0.3 microns in size.

Different filters that utilize the expression “HEPA-type” or “HEPA-like” are mediocre items and can just catch particles as little as 2-5 microns. This compares to over 600% diminish in productivity.

When looking for a HEPA air purifier consistently search for the True HEPA assignment.
Pollutants it can remove are pollen, shape spores, growths, dust, pet dander, hair, form spores, and noticeable smoke.

Advantages: Highly productive, traps particles and doesn’t discharge them once again into the air, good for every single respiratory issue.

Disadvantages: Requires routine filter substitutions to look after proficiency, normally the costliest sort of air filtration, doesn’t evacuate scents or synthetic exhaust, utilizes a fan to pull in air and higher velocities can be boisterous


They have ions in them. When a particle comes in contact with the ions, ions force them to stick to a surface near them, and then those surfaces can be cleaned.

This air cleaning technology works by emanating a haze of charged particles into the air that locks onto airborne contaminants. This procedure powers these pollutants to fall onto the floor and close surfaces.

Some ionic air purifiers incorporate an electrostatic assortment plate that draws in these fallen particles and expels them from the room. This procedure dispenses with ultra-fine particles down to 0.01 microns in size.

Pollutants it can remove are dust, form spores, parasites, unpredictable natural intensities, a few microorganisms and infections, and unmistakable smoke.

Advantages: Practically upkeep free, doesn’t require exorbitant filter substitutions, more affordable than HEPA filter gadgets, doesn’t utilize a fan which makes it calm.

Disadvantages: Pollutants stay in the room on the floor and surfaces except if gathered on an electrostatic plate, assortment plates require to visit cleaning with cleanser and water, don’t expel scents, create modest quantities of ozone as a side-effect which can aggravate asthma and respiratory issues.

Electrostatic filters

These ionize the particles like ion filters and collect them on a plate. These plates can be washed and do not need to be replaced.

These machines produce ozone, a particle that can respond with specific toxins to adjust their substance piece. This can bring about risky indoor air quality, and we don’t suggest them.

Creators of ozone generators regularly guarantee that the gadgets radiate safe degrees of ozone, yet previously, our tests found that even at low settings, some ozone generators immediately surpassed the Food and Drug Administration’s restriction of 0.05 parts per million for clinical gadgets.

Also, examines surveyed by the EPA have demonstrated that low degrees of ozone—the central element of brown haze—don’t adequately wreck indoor contaminates.

Studies additionally show that ozone has been connected to diminishing lung processes and expanded dangers of throat problems, chest agony, and lung tissue aggravation. Ozone may likewise decline asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis, as indicated by the EPA.

Activated carbon filter

Activated carbon filters are great for removing smells and this is the reason they are used in combination with other filters. It reacts with oxygen and traps gas and odors.

This kind of air filter utilizes an uncommon type of actuated carbon that comprises a large number of modest spongy pores. These pores make an enormous surface region that is magnificent for catching vapors, gases, and scents.

Carbon filters are not utilized for evacuating particles that cause medical problems but instead dispose of the ones that cause smells. These filters are what make a home smell crisp and clean.

Pollutants it can remove are chemical and gas vapors, scents and scents from pets, cooking, smoke, paints, and cleaning supplies.

Advantages: Relatively modest to supplant, enables a space to smell new. Disadvantages: Only useful for diminishing vaporous exhaust, scents, and smells, and very little else.

UV light/Heat Filter

As we know that ultra-violet rays kill bacteria present in the air and are often used for medical purposes. An air purifier with a UV light has the power to take care of microbes, sometimes even viruses. The heat filer heats up the particles up to 400 degrees Celsius.

Not at all like the other three filters referenced, this technology emanates an undetectable light that assaults contamination instead of going through a physical filter. The UV light is contained inside the air purifier and not discharged into the room.

Air purifiers with this technology utilize the UV-C band of the ultraviolet range. This band is good for people and doesn’t create any pessimistic reactions.

Its fundamental reason for existing is to eliminate microscopic organisms and infections inside the home by decimating their sub-atomic DNA structure. The final product is a sanitized, clean condition that is liberated from particles that can make you wiped out.

Pollutants it can remove are bacteria, infections, and germs.

Advantages: Ultraviolet light goes on for a large number of hours and once in a while needs substitution, makes a sterile situation, and lessens the number of germs inside that are liable for making sicknesses.

Disadvantages: Only great at killing infections, microorganisms, and germs, can’t be purchased as an independent gadget (consistently comes if that wasn’t already enough on a HEPA or Ionic air cleaner).

Pre-Filter (Bonus)

They filter and eliminate large particles like pet hair or threads. It expands the lifetime value of HEPA and Activated carbon filters. Note: Prefilters are used in combination with other filters to improve filtration. These are the only filters you need to know, like Antibacterial or charged media, which are made-up terms for marketing only.

Maintenance and Filter Replacement

Unlike other machines, air purifiers require regular maintenance. It increases its overall lifespan and it can operate efficiently. It also lessens the noise level and also saves power consumption.

How frequently maintenance of an air purifier is needed?

The maintenance of an air purifier depends upon the model and its usage. If it has more exposure to dust, and cigarette smoke then it needs to be cleaned more often rather than used in a clean environment. We recommend getting the service done of your air purifier every 6 months. Keep track of your calendar to maintain your air purifier twice a year so that it works efficiently.

There are certain things you need to look about like placements and the right filters. Only installing an air purifier is not enough, you have to look at various factors so that you can take full advantage of your money invested in the air purifiers.

Here are various steps for how you can clean your air purifier at home.

Unplugging before maintenance – Always unplug before cleaning your air purifier to avoid any damage and injury.              

Cleansing of pre-filters – Pre-filers often get clogged due to the stopping of hairs, smoke, and other pollutants, so it needs regular cleaning. Depending upon the model some pre-filters are washable, where you can use a damp cloth or a vacuum can be used to clean it.

Separate the cover –The next step is removing of cover; it can be done which the help of a screwdriver or we can take care of user-friendly panels with your bare hands.

Removal of air filters – Here you have to deal with more powerful filters like activated carbon filters or HEPA filters. Some filters are replaceable, so you need to keep a new filter handy. Those which are non-replaceable can be cleaned with a vacuum or with a dry clean cloth. Do not wash these filters until it is instructed to do so.

Get rid of old filters – You need to follow proper guidelines for disposing of the air filters as it contains harmful components like glass, plastic, and metals.

Place a new filter – there is unidirectional airflow in almost all the air filters. Marks and arrows are indicated on every purifier to show the orientation in which filters need to be placed. Manufacturers don’t make inter-usable filters; they follow their design so always look for the right filter specifics for your air purifiers.

Also, ensure the order correctness of filters. Reinstall the cover and power it up – Reattach the cover and ensure that they are secured properly. Gaps may introduce pollutants into filters. Finally, check everything before operating it and power it up, if everything is fine.

Measuring the Noise Levels

Noise level is one of the most important factors to be considered before buying a good quality air purifier for offices or homes so that it should not divert your mind working in the office or while sleeping at home. The volume of an air purifier depends on various factors like the model fan and its speed, including your noise tolerance.

Always consider the decibel (DB) rating before buying a specific model of air purifier to determine the noise level. The decibel rating of 20 – 40 is considered the lowest noise level, the moderate one will be in the range of 40 – 60, whereas, the loudest model is considered between 50 – 70 DB.  Below is the list of some day-to-day things and their different decibel range of noise levels:

  • 30db – whispered discussion
  • 40db – a quiet place like a library
  • 50db – normal conversation
  • 60db – louder noise
  • 70db – traffic

Factor to consider the noise level:

  • The higher the speed of the air purifier, the more sound it will emit.
  • It depends upon the location of the air purifier. If you place it in the bedroom, it tends to disturb you more and interfere with your sleep whereas placing it in the lounge will make you more comfortable.
  • Sound has the property of either it gets absorbed or getting reflected, therefore, the condition of the room also affects the noise level, whether it is furnished, carpeted, or the kind of walls it has.
  • It also depends on person to person, age, and stress level.

Therefore, before evaluating an air purifier’s noise level, consider that the air purifier industry doesn’t follow any standards for sound emissions. Some manufacturers do not reveal noise levels but we encourage people to only buy those air purifiers in which noise levels are published.

Cost Of Air Purifier

The cost may vary from time to time, they may drop up to Rs 899 in the Amazon Great Indian Sale and even climb up to Rs 20,000.

It depends from person to person whether they want to spend more and get a quality-assured product or they are looking for the cheaper one and are ready to compromise on quality.

Price also depends on the type of filter used and the material used in the product. Mainly air purifiers are available between 1500 rupees to 50,000 rupees. You may look for prices online and get large discounts. Online shopping websites such as Amazon and Flipkart offer discounts as large as 50-90% on selected air purifiers.

How can we clean the air indoors?

Use safe household cleaners and make sure they don’t release fumes. Using chemicals such as bleaching powder should be prevented.

Make sure your gas stove is well-ventilated.

Use a dehumidifier and air conditioner to reduce moisture.

Make sure exhaust fans are working.

Dust surfaces and vacuum frequently.

Use an indoor air purifier.

The major cause of indoor pollution is the lack of use of chimneys, exhaust fans, and proper ventilation systems. Also keeping some plants inside the house or having a garden would be a household method to get more fresh air.

Let’s Talk Facts

According to environmentalists, indoor air pollution has been found to be 10-30 times that of outdoor pollution. It is suggested to maintain general cleanliness in our households.

The size of your room matters the most and according to that, the delivery rate of air and space should be taken into consideration. Also, the number of times the air purifier cleans the air in one hour is an estimate which should be looked after.

One should not fall for brands claiming to cover more area but clean Air only once an hour, do remember this when you’re selecting an Air Purifier.

Also, the selection of an ambient filter is important as it is the filter that is responsible for purifying the air. I recommend you do replace your filter after the recommended period of time as it may have an adverse effect on the purifier.

An important factor in the long-term, an Air Purifier with less Electricity consumption can end up saving huge amounts in the long term so do check out for Energy consumption/rating while buying an Air Purifier.

Usage of Air Purifier

Home and offices are the places where most of the time is spent. Not only outdoor but indoor air is also polluted with various tiny microbes. While going outside, you don’t have any other option but to wear a mask or in case travel by your vehicle, use an air purifier in your car as well.

But using an air purifier at home or office is always a good idea to prevent the adverse effects of air pollution. People are getting more aware of the latest technologies and instead of compromising on health; they want to spend their hard-earned money on these lifesaving products.

Nowadays, just like a water purifier, the air purifier is used not only at home but at offices as well.

Portable air purifier usage

As we are moving towards more advancement in technology, a portability feature of any device makes a huge difference in purchasing choices. For example, now people love to purchase lighter and slimmer smartphones and computers as compared to old technology. Below are some reasons why people prefer to use portable air purifiers:

  • Those people who purchase it for the first time, always want to check the efficiency of the product. Before investing their money, they get the trial run done by purchasing it for the small room.
  • The portable air purifier has no installation problems, in case, they are not working well at one location, and you can change its position to help improve the performance of the purifier.
  • As they have the defining feature that they can be shifted easily, this also makes maintenance and filter replacement tasks easy for the users.
  • The power consumption of portable purifiers is significantly less compared to heavy cleaners. Some people are sensitive to power consumption, so portable air purifiers could be used without compromising on electricity bills.

Whole House Air Pollution

A whole-house air purifier cleans the polluted air of the whole house rather than of a single room and is integrated with the heating and cooling system of your house. It controls your home temperature as well as air quality and cleanses the harmful allergens and dust from the air while the air is being heated or cooled. There are various benefits of a whole-house air purifier, some are –

  • It cleans the air of the entire home, eliminating the need for multiple air purifiers in the house.
  • Available in various sizes, price ranges, and types, it can be incorporated into any HVAC system – whether a new building or retrofit.
  • These purifiers are easy to maintain, replacement of the filter every 30 to 60 days and simple cleaning is required.
  • These models don’t produce any ozone, they use HEPA filters to trap particles and run independently of the HVAC system.

Commercial Usage

There is the best air purification solution for your needs, whether you want to clean the air in a home, office, hospital, educational institute, or any other commercial purpose. It not only removes the smallest airborne particles but also controls odor, fume extraction, tobacco smoke, and dust.

It is not only used in homes but is now widely used for commercial purposes as well.

  • Medical purposes – Air purifiers are widely used in doctor’s clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes. Just like home, medical facilities are also subjected and more prone to air pollution. People constantly move to bring lots of germs and dust from outside. Hospitals are filled with a lot of patients who require a clean and healthy environment to get a cure. Therefore, medical facilities are using it for the betterment of their staff and patients.
  • Education purpose – Children are more prone to fall sick, as their immune systems still are being built. Airborne diseases like asthma and allergens is considered a major risk for children. Commercial air purifiers now gaining popularity in schools, colleges, and other major educational institutions.
  • Offices – Working people spend most of their time in offices, where air quality tends to be very poor. If people fall sick frequently, it can seriously hamper production and seriously cost business owners. Air purifier at workspaces helps to increase the efficiency and productivity of employees.

Gyms – How healthy is the air you are breathing when working out? Gyms contain a high level of dust and harmful particles. The use of air purifiers is recommended in gyms to maintain a good level of air quality and remove dust and foul odor from the gym.

Placement of Air Purifier

Proper placement of the air filters is very important. You must leave some space on all the sides of the air filter so that it can clean all the impure air in the room. Some purifier has clean air vents on their sides but some purifiers have a unique design that makes a 360-degree filter. There are some parameters for the correct placement of the filters.

Size: Always look for the size of the room and the exact coverage area of the air purifier. The too-small filter will certainly not work as it would not be able to clean the air completely, if not found the ideal purifier for the room, you can go for a slightly larger capacity.

All brands offer different sizes, for example, Philips 1000 series is a good fit for small rooms, the 2000 series is ideal for larger rooms and living rooms, and the 3000 series is designed for big spaces. Choose the location to fit your air purifier very thoroughly; you want to fit it in the living room, bedroom, or study room. It will only clean the air of the room, in which it is placed.

Power: There is no industry standard for clean air delivery rates. Good air purifiers must have the capability to clean some amount of air. Purifiers provide the customer a general rating about the coverage area according to their room size, which will give your an idea about what’s suitable for your room.

Two models LG AS95GDWTO and Samsung AX7000 have two sets of filters that can purify the double amount of air as compared to other air purifiers. Look for a larger capacity air purifier instead of installing multiple purifiers in a single room.

Filters: The performance of the air purifier depends upon the filter. But actually, efficiency could only be judged by using it. The texture and thickness of carbon filters also play a role in the potential performance of the purifier.

It is better to avoid it if it is very thin or flimsy. All air purifiers usually have high-efficiency particulate filers, they are very thick filters that capture very minute particles very easily. Many purifiers have pre-flirters to capture allergens and large dust particles.

Some purifiers have the additional stage of filters like UV filters like Atlanta Healthcare Beta 350 Viral Guard, they not only catch airborne impurities but also provide resistance against bacteria and germs.

Effect of polluted air on our health

I. Aggravated cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

II. Added stress to the heart and lungs.

III. Damaged cells in the respiratory system.

IV. Accelerated aging of lungs.

V. Loss of lung capacity and decreased lung function.

VI. Development of diseases such as asthma, bronchiolitis, emphysema, and lung cancer.

VII. Shortened life span.

VIII. Increased risk of coronary artery disease and heart failure,

IX. Increased risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

X. Chest pain, dry throat, headache, and nausea.

XI. Reduced resistance to infections.

XII. Increased fatigue.

XIII. Irritation in the airways, and difficulty in breathing.

To Conclude

As the quality of air is degrading day by day due to the emission of harmful gases and many other prospects, now the time has come to realize that it is going to have a deep impact on our lives if we don’t take any further action.

Even now we can see that urban cities like Delhi NCR are facing a hell of a lot of problems due to this pollution. As the Quality of Air has degraded severely in the last few years specifically in Delhi-NCR & the Northern States of India.

Now we have come to a stage where we can’t do much to improve the conditions but let’s try and give our best to make this world a better place to live.

Having an air purifier will be more effective. Air Purifiers are made for Indoor air pollution so it’s really important to have one if you’ve somebody with respiratory problems in the house. There are numerous factors that should be taken into consideration while selecting a perfect air purifier for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much space does the air purifier occupy?

It depends on the size of the room. A portable air purifier occupies almost 700 square feet for a single room. The commercial and whole-house model occupies a larger area and multiple rooms.

Please tell me the different types of filters available in the market.

HEPA filter that is designed to remove small dust particles, suitable for residential purposes.
Carbon filters remove chemicals and smell from the room.
The third type is a pre-filter that traps large particles hence improving efficiency and functionality.

What is the best place to install a purifier?

The best place to fit your purifier is where you spend most of your time be it a bedroom or living room. Most purifiers are portable, you can move them from one room to another as well.

How can I know that indoor air quality is poor?

There are various indoor air quality monitors available in the market. You can also look for the smell of the air, condensed wall, and mold growth around your home. Other sources are poor ventilation, pets, toxic cleaning products, and wood products.

How much maintenance do air filters require?

All air purifiers have different filters. The majority require replacement every six months whereas some have a permanent air filter that never requires changing.

What happens when indicator lights are on but still air filters are not changed?

It could result in poor air quality and risk of allergy, lung problems, and asthma, so cleaning air filters is very crucial. So, always change when indicated.

What is CADR?

CADR stands for Clean Air Delivery Rate, it’s a measurement of the air purifier and indicated amount of pure air released by an air purifier. The higher the CADR number, the faster the unit filters the air.

Do all air purifiers function the same way?

No. there are different products, one is a HEPA filter air purifier that purifies the air and another is chemical sensitive that cleans the door and chemicals.

How long should I run a purifier?

We recommend running it continuously; multiple cleaning speed options are available. When you are not at home, set the speed limit low, it also saves energy and cuts the operational cost.

Which is the best air purifier?

This depends on various factors like CADR rating, filter replacement, and type of control. Always look for the type of filter used, noise level, and power consumption.

What are the side effects of an air purifier?

It improves the quality of the air and hence your health. It does not have any harmful effect on your health provided maintenance and change of air filters are done periodically.

What is the best air purifier for asthma patients?

We recommend HEPA air purifier because ozone and ionic air purifier gives harmful by-products to asthma patients.

Can I open windows when the purifier is running?

Yes, it’s absolutely fine to let in fresh air while your purifier is running.

What is a micron?

Microns are the term used for microscopic airborne particles. One micron is 1/25000 of an inch. Air purifiers are designed to remove these microns which are not visible to the naked eye.

What have impregnated carbon filters?

They are the additional chemicals to remove certain chemicals. They consist of potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, and other oxidizing agents. They either trap the dust particles or break them into smaller components.

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